
Week of September 17

Open House - Tuesday 9/18:  Plan to be at Stewart Creek tonight for our PTO Information Meeting at 6pm and visit your child's classroom at Open House from 6:30 - 7:30. Don't forget to visit the Book Fair while you're there!

Book Fair:  This week the Book Fair has been open and busy at SCE! The kids love going into the library to purchase books. Thank you to those parents who offered to volunteer! Remember that the Book Fair will be open tonight during Open House. See you there! Can't stop by the Book Fair? Shop online.... Just click the link http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/stewartcreekelem

Picture Day - Thursday 9/20: Don't forget that school pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 20th. Whether you purchase a photo package or not, all students will be photographed for the SCE yearbook. We are in need of volunteers to help out on Picture Day. If you are interested in volunteering that day, please contact Angela Downs if you would like to volunteer.

Safety Day - Tuesday 9/25:  The PTO presents Safety Day at SCE on Tuesday, September 25th. The kids will enjoy special presentations throughout the day by our local police, fire, and emergency services. Be sure to ask your child what they learn that day. We are in need of a few parent volunteers to help out on Safety Day. If you are interested in volunteering that day for either a half or whole day, we'd love to hear from you. Lunch will be provided to our volunteers! Please contact Angela Downs if you would like to volunteer.