
We hope everyone had a great first week of school.  Thank you to all of the teachers and staff for a great start at Stewart Creek!  It's going to be a great school year.  Thank you to those who have already joined the SCE PTO!  As a member of the SCE PTO, you will receive e-blasts with information regarding events, activities, and reminders for SCE.  If you have friends who are not receiving the e-blasts, please remind them to join SCE PTO.  An e-blast will go out regularly to all PTO members. 

Mark Your Calendar
  • Sept 10-14:  Spirit Shack
  • Sept 17-21:  Book Fair
  • Sept 18 @ 6pm:  PTO Meeting, Open House, & Book Fair
  • Sept 18:  Progress Reports
  • Sept 20:  Individual Student Pictures
Sprit Shack at SCE
MISD is home to the BEARS, and we are filled with PRIDE!  Boys and girls can start planning to shop at the PTO’s “Spirit Shack” September 10-14 from 7:50-8:25am. There will be more PURPLE & GOLD than you can imagine. Start saving your pennies! 

This week volunteers are needed to help in setting up the Spirit Shack.  Workdays are scheduled this week Wednesday through Friday from 8-12. Please join us in the PTO room if you're available to help during any of these times this week.  Next week, if you'd like to help out in the Spirit Shack, we'll be open for business from 7:50-8:25.  If you would like to volunteer to help out with the Spirit Shack, please contact Kim Russell at mkhbrussell@consolidated.net

PTO Meetings @ SCE 
We hope you will be able join us at our monthly PTO meetings to learn more about SCE and the events and activities scheduled for the school year. Our first PTO Meeting at Stewart Creek will be held in the cafeteria on Thursday, September 18 at 6:00pm. Open House will begin immediately after our meeting. Our meetings have been scheduled this year in order to accommodate more of our families. Some meetings will be held during the day and some will be held in the evening. Please see the yearly schedule of meetings listed below and go ahead and mark your calendar now. It's a great way to stay in touch! Hope to see you there! 

Open House 
Join us at Stewart Creek on September 18.  Our PTO Info Night will begin at 6pm and Open House will take place from 6:30-7:30.  Come to visit your child’s classroom and to learn more about PTO activities and volunteer opportunities.  This is always a special night when students share their work in the classrooms and stroll with their parents through the wonderland of books in the Library.

Book Fair at SCE
This year’s Fall Book Fair will be September 17-21. We will keep it open late on September 18 after the PTO meeting at 6:00pm and Open House 6:30-7:30pm.  Interested in volunteering at the bookfair?  Contact Kim Russell at mkhbrussell@consolidated.net.