
2012-2013 Kindergarten Registration: Kindergarten Round Up this week, Monday, April 30 through Friday, May 4 from 9-11am and 1-3pm in room 105.  For more information, please click here.

Field Day -- Friday, May 4th:  Field Day is scheduled for 1st and 2nd grade from 9-11:15am.  Field Day is scheduled for 3rd & 4th grade from 12:30-2:45. Lunch will be served for volunteers at 11:30. Volunteers, please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your shift, park in the grassy, fenced area by gym. If you are insterested in volunteering on Field Day, please contact Vicki Sparks.

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: Thursday, May 10th:  It's Teacher Appreciation Week and the SCE PTO is hosting a luncheon for our teachers & staff on Thursday, May 10th. We will be decorating and setting up Room 105 on Monday, May 7 through Wednesday, May 9 from 8:30am until about 11:00. Anyone is welcome to join us to make this a memorable lunch for our staff. If you're interested in helping, join us on any of the setup days or contact Vicki Sparks. 

Order School Supplies for 2012-13:  School Supplies will be on sale during the month of May, beginning Tuesday, May 1st . School supplies are $25 for PK and $50 for all other levels (Kinder through 4th). Click here to download the School Supply Order Form. If you wish to order online and pay by credit card, visit our website at http://www.scepto.com/3/store.htm

Fun Jumps at SCE:  Fun Jumps will be May 18th during your child's special subjects times. There are two shifts of volunteers needed. If you are able to help, please contact Vicki Sparks.

Yearbooks:  Our 2011-12 Yearbook has been submitted to the publisher for printing. If you have not ordered yours, please click here to download the order form and send $35 to SCE to reserve your copy today. Only a limited number of copies are left!